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Last updated January 24, 2023


Nowday understands the importance of all who visit our website, namely customers or prospective customers, employees or potential collaborators and suppliers, and therefore has made the best efforts to implement technical and organizational structure to ensure data protection, privacy and respect for rights and guarantees with regard to the processing of personal data.

This Data Protection and Privacy Policy aims to inform you how Nowday treats Personal Data and guarantees the privacy, security and integrity of the Data in the development and performance of its activities.


1. Responsible for the processing of Personal Data

Responsible for the Treatment of Personal Data is Nowday

Address: Av. da República Nº 6, 1ºEsq., 1050-191 Lisboa, Portugal



2. Principles applicable to the processing of data

The data processing is carried out in compliance with the principles contained in the General Regulation on Data Protection and other applicable national and European legislation, namely

  • Nowday maintains Personal Data in a form that allows it to be identified only for the period necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.
  • Nowday shall ensure that Personal Data is treated in a manner that guarantees its security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against its abusive use, loss, destruction or accidental damage, by taking appropriate technical or organizational measures.
  • Nowday ensures that the Data is treated in a fair, lawful and transparent manner.

3. Personal Data, Treatment of Personal Data and Data Holder

It is understood that Personal Data is all information and / or elements that, regardless of their support, can identify or make identifiable a natural person, directly or indirectly, to Nowday, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, identification number, location data and / or identifiers by electronic means or to one or more specific elements of physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural identity or social.

Personal Data Processing means the operation or set of operations carried out on Personal Data of Data Holders by means of automated or non-automated means, from the collection of the information to its destruction. This cycle, among others, includes the registration, organization, structuring, conservation, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, dissemination by transmission, dissemination or any other form of comparison or interconnection, limitation and erasure.

In the context of Nowday’s activities, the term “Data Holder” may include, but is not limited to: job applicants, employees and former employees, partners and partners, suppliers and service providers and their employees, customers or potential customers and other visitors.

Nowday may collect personal data relating to minors under 18 years of age, when provided by the parent or legal guardian, when legally imposed or because of a legal obligation or when expressly consented to in the collection, for the pursuit of one of the purposes identified in the scope of this Policy.


4. Personal Data Category that Nowday treats

In developing its activities, Nowday may process Personal Data from a significant set of Data Holder categories. The Personal Data that Nowday collects always depends on the nature of the interaction, but may include the following Data Categories: a) Identification data; b) Data of personal contacts; c) Data on the use of information technologies; d) Commercial data for the provision of services and / or provision of information.


5. Basics for the Treatment of Personal Data

By reference to the “Licitude Principle”, Nowday only treats Personal Data when there is a basis of lawfulness that legitimates the treatment, namely:

a) Compliance with a legal obligation;
b) Pre-contractual procedures or performance of a contract;
c) Consent: When the Data Owner has given their consent, that is, through a free, specific, informed and explicit expression of will, by means of a statement (in writing or orally) or an unequivocal positive act ( through the completion of an option), that the Personal Data is subject to Treatment;
d) Defense of vital interests of the Data Owner;
e) Legitimate Interests.


6. Term of retention of Personal Data

Nowday retains Personal Data only for the period of time required to perform the specific purposes for which it was collected. However, Nowday may be required to retain some Personal Data for a longer period, taking into account factors such as: ∙ Legal obligations, legal or administrative proceedings and Guidelines issued by data protection control authorities. During the period of processing of Personal Data, Nowday warrants that such data will be processed in accordance with this Data Protection and Privacy Policy. Once the Data is no longer needed, Nowday will safely dispose of it.


7. Sharing of Personal Data

Nowday may, within the scope of its activity, share data with third parties, however, it will only do so under the terms of this section of the Data Protection and Privacy Policy, namely:

a) Personal Data may be shared with companies of the Nowday Holdings
b) Upon request and / or with the consent of the Data Owner, Personal Data may be shared with other entities.
c) In compliance with legal and / or contractual obligations, Personal Data may also be transmitted to judicial, administrative, supervisory or regulatory authorities, as well as to entities that lawfully perform data collection actions, prevention and combat actions. fraud, market or statistical studies.


8. Rights and their form of exercise

The Owner of the Personal Data processed by Nowday has the right to:

Request Access to your Personal Information;
Request the correction or deletion of your Personal Data;
Oppose Yourself to the Treatment of Your Personal Data;
Request the deletion of your Personal Data;
Request to limit the processing of your Personal Data;
Request the portability of your data.

The Data Holder may at any time, in writing, exercise the rights enshrined in the Law of Protection of Personal Data and other applicable legislation through the e-mail


9. Security and Integrity

Personal Data will be treated by Nowday only in the context of the purposes identified in this Policy in accordance with Nowday’s internal policies and using technical and organizational measures designed in accordance with the risks associated with the specific handling of Personal Data. The technical and organizational measures designed ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the security and integrity of Personal Data, in particular in relation to unauthorized or unlawful treatment and their accidental loss, destruction or damage. Nowday, however, can not guarantee the security of the Data when transmitted over the open network, as the transmission of information over the Internet is not absolutely secure.


10. Confidentiality

Nowday acknowledges that the information you provide may be confidential in nature. In the course of its business, Nowday does not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make available the Personal Data to any third party, except in cases where it needs to share information with the Service Providers for the purposes established in this Policy or Third parties for the purpose of fulfilling their legal obligations. Nowday preserves the confidentiality and integrity of your Data and protects you in accordance with this Data Protection and Privacy Policy and all applicable laws.


11. Cookies

Nowday uses cookies to collect information about the use of its websites. At each visit to the websites, Nowday treats Personal Data collected through the use of cookies in accordance with the published cookies policy. For more information about the use of cookies, we encourage you to read and review the Cookies Policy and regularly check it for updated versions.


12. Changes to this Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Nowday will periodically update this Privacy Policy. Whenever you do, the new version will be posted on the website and will take effect immediately, so we advise you to visit regularly.

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Av. da República Nº 6, 1ºEsq.
1050-191 Lisbon